So Let’s Listen!

Effective Relationships 101….taught by our new President, Barack Obama. In an interview about dealing with the Middle East he said, “All too often the United States starts by dictating, in the past, on some of the issues, and we don’t always know all of the factors that are involved. So let’s listen…………”

I am encouraged that our new President is teaching respect and effective communication through his example. A friend of ours who works in government has told us that it’s as if a dark cloud had lifted in Washington.

I learned about the power of listening the hard way in my younger days. When I was approached with a problem by my mate or a child, my immediate response was to find an “answer,” thinking I knew what was right. Their eyes would glaze over and they would often wander off if they didn’t get into an argument with me. One day my daughter said, “Mom, I wish you would just listen to me.”

Even our relationship with God or the Divine could benefit from this approach. This is not a new concept. “Be still and know that I am God,” Psalm 46:10. The Guides, through Ron Scolastico, are often encouraging us to be receptive in meditation, attunement or prayer to the divine.

So before you jump to conclusions and think you know someone, or what a solution is, be still and listen. You never know what you might hear that is fresh and new!

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2 Responses to So Let’s Listen!

  1. Sharon says:

    Wow! This is a mighty fine reminder. Thank you.

    “Listening is an attitude of the heart, a genuine desire to be with another which both attracts and heals.” J. Isham

    A nice quote to go with your great post!

  2. annie Wallack says:

    I don’t think I learned enough about listening yet. I’m a great advocate of listening. If there’s one thing that could use improvement in my relationships it’s listening. Really, listening is a lot easier than having an opinion or thinking I know what’s best for another person and blabbing about that. My husband and I practice listening to each-other as recommended by the guides. We just shut up while the other person talks and we don’t interrupt each-other no matter what they say. This can be a daunting task with so many ways to try to get a word in. It’s working when we do it. HIGHLY recommended. Thank you for bringing up the subject.

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